Slow Bullet now available in digital formats

Slow Bullet

Lansdale's Latest Available as eBook

Past conspiracies collide with present-day corruption

In John L. Lansdale's Slow Bullet, Army veteran Clark McKay is searching for the truth behind the killing of his best friend. Along the way he meets a multitude of unforgettable characters, including a Washington D.C. detective who refuses to believe McKay has found the murderer. Clark McKay's search for the truth takes him across the globe and through the murky waters of corruption. Truth and fiction make an interesting mixture in this fast-paced novel.

As a special treat to our readers, BookVoice Publishing has made John L. Lansdale's latest work available in digital formats everywhere. 

A hardback edition of Slow Bullet will be released this summer, but we wanted to go ahead and make the digital version available to fans as soon as possible. 

Download Slow Bullet today and follow Clark McKay on his path for justice. You'll be glad you did.


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